Agricultural   Uses   of   Genetic   Engineering

Some companies genetically engineer plants
like corn and soy beans to make them better.
Calgene™ produced a tomato called the Flavr 
Savr tomato which is engineered to ripen 
slower. It's able to ripen longer on the 
vine in order to fully develop it's flavour.
There are two things that make the tomato 
different is that a particular gene or DNA 
sequence has been reversed, that slows it's
ripening process. Second there is a second 
added gene that is used as a biological marker,
to distinguish it from other tomato varieties. 

Geneticists at the University of California-Davis
have injected a gene into rice that makes it proof
against bacterial leaf-blight. The gene called Xa21
is found in all rice types, but is recessive in 
most. Research on disease-resistant rice genes began
about a decade ago as scientists at the International
Rice Research Institute in Manila, Phillippines found
a natural strain of rice with natural immunity against
leaf-blight. Rice has twenty-four chromosomes and 
the gene was found in number eleven, geneticists at 
UC-Davies pinpointed the location of Xa21. The gene 
Xa21 produces a protein that when the bacteria attacks 
the cell it "sounds an alarm" that tells the cell to
deploy toxic substances at the surface and destroy 
the bacteria. The geneticists plan on fusing the gene
into most of the high-yield rice strains so the rice 
production by those strains is vastly improved. 

Agricultural Uses of Genetic Engineering links

ISSUES IN ANIMAL AND PLANT GENETIC ENGINEERING?: A site that explanes the issues of animal and plant genetic engineering
ESA Position Statement on Appropriate Uses of GeneticEngineering in the Production of Crops: A very informaitive site.
Develop New Uses For and Add Value to Agricultural products: A site that has stuff abought Agricultural Uses of Genetic Engineering
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Darren Savery
5973 Tweedsmuir Cr.
Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 5Y7

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